Sunday, December 28, 2014

A few important details regarding the Apthoryaamam Somayaagam – Mahaasouram mahayaagas

With the divine blessings of Jagadhgurus and holy men, for the purpose of protecting the entire world, 16 mahaayaagaas have been done in the last 20 years along with the 2012 Bhadrachalam, Khammam district (Telengana) Athiraathram mahothkrushta somayaagam attended by 15 lac devotees and the 2013 Muramalla village, E. Godavari district (Andhra) Athirudhram mahaayaagam, which was also attended by 15 lac devotees. These yaagams have been performed by bahuyagnakartha, astrologer, muhurtha-smaartha-vaasthu subject consultant, gold bracelet decorate, Brahmasri Kesaapragada Hariharanaatha Sarma, under whose continuous supervision multi-domain experts who are inclined towards seva and, experienced professionals and well-wishers from various fields who have provided suggestions, help, assistance and encouragement, people who do not have monetary expectation, and who wish for the good and holistic benefit of all life forms have envisaged to perform an astounding mahothkrushta Apthoryaamam (which is a mahaayaagni poorvaka somayaagam) along with Mahaasouram mahothkrushta in 2015 at Gargeyapuram, Kurnool district (Rayalaseema), incorporating glorious Telugu traditions with the purpose of world peace, and is being led by Prajahitha Seva Samithi. Conducting this great endeavor is not only extremely difficult but also involves significant expenditure and effort. These great efforts that are intended to benefit all life forms which are inherent in this world, are being performed without any discrimination based on caste, religion, creed or class so that everyone can participate and contribute. These efforts result in benefit for the entire world and hence you are requested to help and assist per your abilities for the overall success of this program, and you are cordially invited by Prajaahitha Seva Samithi to view these great and divine mahaakruthus.

Slokam|| Anithyaani Sareeraani Vibhavo Naiva Saasvathaha|Nithyam Sannihitho Mruthyuhu
Karthanyo Dharma Sangrahaha ||
The body is temporary. Fortune is not guaranteed forever. Death is always looming around you. Humans must always earn dharma.

A few important details regarding the Apthoryaamam Somayaagam – Mahaasouram mahayaagas

1. There are how many somayaagas? What are they?
Somayaagas are 7 in number. They are 1) Agnishtomam 2) Athyagnishtomam 3) Ukthyam 4) Shodasi 5) Vaajapeyam 6) Athiraathram 7) Apthoryaamam

2. What is somayaagam?
The great yaagaas that can be done in kaliyuga are the seven somayaagas. Aapthoryaamam is the seventh. Using a holy pyre (agnihothram) and the shaasthras, incorporating the ancient (sanaathana) Indian vedhic knowledge and increasing life energy in nature via the somarasa derived from the somalatha and submitting it to nature (Gods) is the somayaagam. Soma means moon (Sa + Uma) and also means Lord Shiva. Uma mean Shakthi or energy. Lord Shiva is with Shakthi implying that somalatha is the lunar energy that can combine and balance material and energy. This is a latha (vine). On this earth, every plant (herb) grows due to lunar energy. Moon is the reason for emotions. Moon light influences nature and hearts of all living things. Somalatha is the only herb that grows (waxes) and diminishes (wanes) in tandem with lunar radiance. Somalatha is the only herb that absorbs lunar energy to a large extent. Somalatha is available in Himalayas and in the forested areas of Konkan region in South India. Doing a yagna does not mean doing devotion (bhakthi) based regular pujas like Sathyavratham, Thirukalyaanam and Rudhraabhishekam. These are happy practices that orient the heart towards God. These practices have a social, mental and mythological (historical) context. These need to be absolutely followed. But yagnams are different from these. Performing a somayagnam is not based on mythology (history). It is related to vedhaas. It means that it is related to the science of knowledge. Historical text based duties can be modified in time according to the obtained siddhi (enlightenment) (e.g. using a copper idol instead of a gold idol in Sathyanaaraayana vratham), but such modifications cannot be done in vedhic yagnaas. These have to be done in accordance with the established procedure. Somavallirasam is primary in somayagnam. The number of manthra (hymns) chapters in the seven somayagnams include 33 sthuthi-sasthraas. Sthuthi is manthrams from saamavedham, sasthraas are rugvedha manthrams. Names of the seven somayagnams are decided based on these sthuthi-sasthraas. “Vedhaanaam Somavedhosmi” was said by the jagadhguru Sri Krishna himself. Without saamavedha there is no somayaagam. Saamavedham is central to somayaagam. In somayaagam, apart from particularly constructing the yagnasthala in accordance with the body measurements of the owner, ghee from cows milk, sticks (samidhas) from various tree varieties, vessels (yagnapaathraas) made from special mud, vessels made from wood types such as Medi, Banyan, Chandra, cow milk, goat milk, specially made bricks and other such liquids are used along with somalatha.

3. Who should do somayaagam? How many are the ruthvijaas (Rithviks)?
The eligibility for an owner in somayagnam – to conduct the somayagnam, a married man is required who has meditated on the vedhaas (vedhadhyaanam), who is a descendent of a traditional marriage and performs daily agnihothram, who has conducted the five mahaayagnams (Dheva (Gods) – Pithru (forefathers) – Manushya (humans) – Bhootha (natural elements) – Brahmayagnams), he who has been performing the saptha (seven) paakayagnams, he who does the saptha (seven) haviryagnams and he who is without impure actions. Agni (fire) is primarily either smaarthaagni or srouthaagni. Smaarthaagni must be held by every householder. The seven paakayagnams are those done in gruhaagni or the fire in the house. With haviryagnams threthaagnis (three fires) are realized which leads to agnishtomam, the first of the seven somayaagams, the performer of which is referred to as somayaaji. If performing srouthayagnams is needed then doing the srouthayagnam called aagnyadhaanam, then doing upaasana of the threthaagnis (Gaarhapathyaagni – Ahaavaneeyaagni – Dhakshinaagni) alone would provide eligibility for conducting haviryagnams – saptha somayagnams.

The gana (nature) of a rithvik – To perform the seven somayagnams like the agnishtomam, rithviks belonging to the four vedhaas are necessary mainly. “Hotha” rugvedhi. “Adhvarya” yajurvedhi. “Udhgaatha” saamavedhi. “Brahma” is from the vedhathriya or is an atharvavedhi. These four are the main rithiviks and have three assistants each. In total, there are 16 rithviks, and 17 including the sadhasya thus forming the rithvigana. The performer of the yagnam is the yajamaani (owner). With the help of the rithviks, the person who conducts the yagnam is the adhvarya. All these people should be adept at the samhitha, braahmana, srouthasooktha of various vedhaas and should be knowledgeable of the prayoga procedure. “Main rithiviks”

1) Hothruganam – Hotha, Maithravaruna, Achaavaaka, Graavastha
2) Adhvaryuganam – Adhvarya, Prathiprasthaatha, Neshta, Unnetha
3) Udhgaathruganam – Udhgaatha, Prasthotha, Prathihartha, Subrahmanya
4) Brahmaganam – Brahma, Braahmanaachamsi, Agnidhra, Potha. Sadhasya, Upadhrashta

4. Why should we do somayaagam?
Similar to how we protect our bodies and take medicine when sick to regain health, the nation also needs to be protected and rejuvenated during bad times via yagnams and yaagaas. Protection of the nation by observing and realizing the arrival of changes in time is yaagam, similar to the observation of the changes in the body. Nature (prakruthi) is always attacked by anti-nature (vikruthi) (e.g. SAARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola, Mad Cow etc.). Our human bodies are attacked by about 50000 microorganisms (bacteria) every minute. They attack our immunity strength. Whenever this strength reduces, we fall sick. Body and country is one. Man has been continuously attempting to destroy life energy of the world using various arms, nuclear explosions unlike no other life form. To change such thoughts of destruction, a human endeavor that is extremely stringent procedure wise, using somalatha relating to the moon is somayagnam. “Any yagnam is to protect the nature”.

5. For how many days must somayaagam be done? What are the dietary requirements?
Somayaagas are of three types. One that completes in a day is called ekaaham. One that completes in 12 days is called aheenam. One that completes a few days after the 12 days is called sathram. What is really important is how many days is suthyam done. The current aapthoryaamam has a suthyam of one day and is hence referred to as ekaaham. The first three days are dheeksha days (cleaning and purifying the yaaga sthala, construction, collection of all necessary material …), five days are for continuous collection of syenachithi everyday. On the ninth day, agni (fire) is introduced into the syenachithi and somarasa is dedicated to the suthyam amidst uninterrupted sastra-sthuthi followed by completion of the yaaga via aavabrutha snaana (bath).

‘Dietary requirements for the owner couple’ – The owner and his wife are on cow milk diet for these 12 days. The process of milking and obtaining the milk is called as vrathadhoham. Milk needed for the owner is brought by the aadhvarya while the milk needed for the owner’s wife is brought by the prathiprasthaatha. The aaddhvarya boils the milk in the east fire and the prathiprasthaatha boils the milk in the south fire and give them to the owner couple as part of the yaagam during midday and midnight.

6. Who is the main deity for somayaaga?
Indhra is the main deity for somayaaga. In the lordship of Indra, the five elements (panchbhoothas) and the eight directional lords (dhikpaalakaas) who give strength to nature are important. Importance of Indhra has been explained in krishnayajurvedha’s rudhraadhyaaya (rudhraabhishekam) chamakam sixth anuvaakam (agnischame indhraschame ……. Prajaapathischame indhraschame). By yagnam – Indhra with agni, with moon …., with sun ……, with poosha anudhevatha.., with bruhaspathi… with mithradevatha …, with varuna (rain, water) …, with thvashta…, with dhaatha …, with Vishnu …., with Aswini dhevathaas …., with maruthus.., with viswadevathaas …, with prithvi (earth) …, with anthariksham (space, sky) …., with heaveans … with the four directions …, with the upward direction (urdhva dhise) …, with prajapathi (Shiva) – let these be my abhimukhas, agni etc. are prasidha dhevathas. Indhra is an equal part in all of them. Hence, Indhra is the personification of all dhevathaas. Therefore, yaagaas done with Indhra, who is the chief of the dhevathaas, are somayaagas. Indhra is the ruler of the world.

7. What are the animals in somayaaga?
The main animals in somayaaga are white horse, black horse, cow – calf, goat that can give milk, a male goat without horns. Frog, tortoise, snake. Each and every life form have been created with particular (special) utility (usefulness).

8. Are animals sacrificed in somayaaga?
In some haviryagnaas and somayaagaas, particularly in kaliyugam, the vehicle of agnihothram, goat, is to be sacrificed as per the vedhaas. Only goats are to be sacrificed in kaliyugam. This animal is initially tied to a yupasthambham (pillar) and the owner seeks permission to sacrifice it from the animal itself for the benefit of the world and also seeks the yagnaphalam (fruit of the yagnam). Next, a few of the organs are used for the yagnam. Goat is fire related. Since it is devoid of vedhaas, animal is necessary.
 PS – Currently in India, despite more than 50% and in the world more than 70% being non-vegetarians, people remember ahimsa only when yagnams are talked about. Due to this reason, setting aside sruthi, pishtapasuvu (goat made from flour), aajyapasuvu (goat visualized in ghee) are being practiced in violation of the vedhic procedure. Hence, some benefits are not being able to be realized. When all Indians overcome fear of current situations and decide to protect yaagaas governed by traditions, rules and regulations can we regain our past and precious glory. To understand nature, saadhana is the only way for mankind.

9. How many are the samskaaras? What are they?
Smaskaaraas are 40, aathmagunaas are 8. Pithru samskaaraas are 8 (those that need to be done by father) – Garbhaadhaanam, punsavanam, seemantham (baby shower), jathakarma, naamakaranam (naming ceremony), annapraasanam, choodaakaranam (choulam), (karnavedha), upanayanam (thread ceremony). Gurusamskaaras are 4 – (those that need to be done by guru (teacher)) praajaapathyavratham, soumyavratham, aagneya vratham, vysvadheva vratham (vidhyaabhyaasamu mainly). Svakarthruka samskaaraas are 7 – (those that need to be done by self) snaathakam, vivaaham (marriage), dhevayagnam, pithruyagnam, manushya yagnam, bhoothayagnam, brahmayagnams. After doing the self samskaaraas to do aathma samskaara, there are 21 yagnams mainly. These are paakayagnams which are 7 – ashtaka, paarvana, maasisradhams, sraavani (sarpabali), aagrahaayani, chaithri (esaanabali), aasvayuji. Haviryangams are 7 – aagnyadheyam, agnihothram, dharsa pournamasyas, chaathurmaasam (vysvadheva varuna pragaasa – sakamedha – sunaarasiyamas), aagrayaneshti, nirooda pasubandham, srouthaamani. Somayagnams are 7 – agnishtomam, athyagnishtomam, ukthyam, shodasi, vaajapeyam, athiraathram, apthoryaamam. Apart from these there are many more krathuvus have been mentioned for dhesasamskaara. Aathmagunaas are 8 – dhayaa, kshaanthi, anasuyaa, soucham, anaayaam, maangalyam, akaarpanyam and aspruha. One who has/gets all these 48 samskaaraas will be liberated from the life cycle as per sruthi vachanam.

10. What is sroutham?
Sruthi means vedhaas. Creation of all life forms is detailed in rigvedham, state and samskaaraas in yajurvedham, cleansing of nature using all energy forms and thus obtaining happiness in saamavedham and, splitting of atoms and synchronization, combining genes to giving life are detailed in atharvanavedham. Yagnams with a specified mix of these four vedhams are called as srouthakarmaas. Doing sroutha karmas is inherent with strict rules and regulations. Agnihothram needs to be done at sunrise and sunset before the appointed time lapses. This karma needs to be done every day for the entire life. Any delay in agni (fire) udharanam results in dhosha. Praayaschitham (atonement) needs to be done. Dharsa poornamaaseshtas have to be done every poornima (full moon day) and amaavaasyaa (new moon day). Yajamaani (owner) needs to do agni (fire) aaraadhan (prayer) with the help of rithiviks like adhvarya, hotha, brahma etc. Post agnihothram, panchamahaayagnams (dheva yagnam (Gods), pithru yagnam (forefathers), manushya yagnam (humans), bhootha yagnam (five elements), brahma yagnam) have to be done in the morning. Apart from these, several other yagnams that come as compulsory procedures need to be done for world peace and prosperity. Aahithaagni must do agnihothram every day. Several people who sacrificed their lives for the welfare of the country, lived in our country once upon a time. Even though this number has gone down, there are a few great people left because of our protection of dharma. Protection of those who do yagna yaaga krathus continuously for the welfare of all of us is our primary responsibility. Somayaagas like agnishtomam which are done following the sroutha soothras are not simple like the smaartha karma kaandaas. Procedures of these have been mentioned in the vedhaas. Pure money in the form of abundant wealth – produce, complete help from people, rithiviks who have done detailed vedha study from the beginning till now are all mandatory. Even a minor mistake implies atonement. Sroutha karma kaanda is that which is done with immense clarity, bhakthi (devotion), dedication, punctuality and within rules and regulations. Despite the fact that vedhaas have existed for over thousands of years, conduct of yagna yaagaas using sanaathana (forever new and not ancient) procedures happening even now is only because of the vedha, kalpa, soothraa texts handed over by those who protect via vedhadhyaanam hereditarily.

11. What is the result of somayaagam?
By doing somayaaga, our personal wishes and desires may not be obtained but what nature needs is absolutely obtained. Doing homa using cow ghee ensures increase in wind of life (Oxygen). Doing homa using somarasa ensures cleansing of all basic elements and increase of life energy. Apart from where somayagnam is done, air in all places where the homa smoke reaches will be pure. Ground water will be available at ground level. Mineral strength in earth is increased. Rains fall as scheduled. Immunity increases in all life forms. Dangerous micro-organisms (bacteria) will be absent. Cows and buffalos give more milk. Milk will have higher nutritional value. Agricultural produce would be more. Women in that area will have normal deliveries and cesareans will be reduced. Accidents will be reduced. Humans will be without evil thoughts. Because of apthoryaamam somayaagam, basic requirements of humans will be available as per sruthi (vedham). This has been proved by scientific expriements.

12. What is mahaagnichayanam?
Chayanam means that which is spread. It is giving aahuthi via agnihotram (soma) on a Garuda fire which is spread and ready to fly.

13. What is the difference between animal and human?
Animals are born horizontally and grow horizontally. Humans alone are born horizontally and grow vertically. Samskaaram differentiates humans from other life forms. Maa – nava means do not want a new birth. To reach moksha, vedhaas have given 48 samskaaraas. At least a third of them i.e., 16 need to be followed. He who obtains purity of samskaara (samskaara sudhi) is devoid of re-birth. Though everyone may not individually do but participating in these mahaayaagaas will give that samskaara benefit for all.

14. How will world peace happen if yagnam is done in India?
Bhaaratha (Bharathaas) means those who do yagnam. The sound of bharatha has been mentioned in the vedhaas. Food eaten with the mouth reaches the stomach and provides strength to all parts of the body, similarly, doing yagnams and yaagaas in India, which is at the central region of the entire earth, causes life energy to reach the entire world.

15. What is the outcome of mahaasourayaagam?
Aarogyam (health) bhaaskaraadhichcheth (given by sun) – Sun removes darkness from the entire world and gives energy. The collection of manthraas written in the 13 chapters of rigvedham about Sun, who is the primary source of creation, is mahaasouram. This mahaasoura manthram is recited in these 12 days by 12 rigvedha pundits with 12 paaraayana, 12 mahaargvyapradhaanaas and 12 homaas. As a consequence, weather is cleansed, earth’s temperature is reduced and rainfall happens as scheduled. Further, since Sun is the lord of all planets, people born in the 9 planetary signs, 27 birth stars and 12 zodiac signs, have good health due to reduction in suffering due to incompatible planetary positions (grahabaadha). Mahaasoura yagnam done for the mercy (anugraham) of the Sun lord removes kaaladhosha from everyone and provides good physical health for as long as we live. All life forms apart from us also get good health. Natural disasters are removed to some extent. – Those who need to face karmaphala (fruits of actions) reach clouds via Sun, and then reach earth as life elements in the form of rain, become seeds, then food, and form basic elements of the human body to form semen which reaches a mother’s womb to change into human form. Life forms that take birth obtain glow (shine) of life via Sun, continuously receive good sense (intelligence), strength and health via life energy and try for liberation from karma and attainment of moksha by following dharma. Health is necessary in this sequence. Giver of this health is Sun. Thus mahaasouram.

16. What debts are removed for people by doing somayaagam?
Humans have main debts towards dheva (Gods) – rushi (sages) – pithru (forefathers) for their entire life span. For the entire life span of a human, the food, water, clothing and other bodily blissful needs provided by God (nature) makes our soul be in debt. By doing yagnam, without harming nature’s balance (equilibrium), life energy on earth is enhanced and hence by doing yagnam (sacrifice) and protecting nature debt towards Gods is cleared. That is dharma. By providing for family via education and learning (meaning) that we get and disseminating that knowledge would free us from debt towards sages. That is ardham. By accepting a domestic (family) life and causing growth in the family lineage via obtaining good children releases us from debt towards forefathers. That is kaamam. People who properly follow these three virtues obtain moksha.
Currently, people are experiencing only ardham – kaamam and are released only from debts towards sages and forefathers. But moksha is not obtained unless debt towards Gods is also completed. To complete the debt towards Gods, all of us must practice yagnam. The improper completion (incomplete) of these dheva – rushi – pithru debts are the reason for our pain and suffering across multiple births. To be free from this pain and suffering, doing a yagnam is the only way out. This secret of release from re-birth has been described in our sanaathana dharma samskruthi (cultural texts) alone. Family lineage is enhanced by participating in sourayaagam via somayaagams due to the removal of grahabhaadha (planetary pain) and prevention of sarpasaapam (curse of the reptiles), pithrusaapam (curse of the forefathers) and dhevasaapam (curse of Gods). Therefore performing yagnams is important. Important. Important.

17. What is the benefit of somayaagam on water bodies?
Currently, we do not get clean (pure) water. Using our knowledge, we drink water after purifying it by either boiling it or by using a water purifier. But what about the condition of other water bodies? Because it is portable water, we are purifying it prior to consumption and drinking as per our need. But what about water used for cultivation?, Air?, Soil (Ground) Fertility?, Life Energy?. These can be purified only by yagnam. Our sanaathana Indian vedhic knowledge has taught us this method. Hence, for the sustenance of mankind, requisite clean water, air, earth (soil) can be purified by using the remaining two elements of the panchabhoothaas (five basic elements), agni (fire) and aakaasam (void or sound) in combination with agnihothram and manthra sounds which enter aakaasam and enhance life energy deficient in the universe. This is a vedhic procedure for nature’s cure.

18. Have there been any modern scientific experiments? What are the results?
With the leadership of Sri Ram Naraayan Sukla (R) IAS, Sri Sunil Saambhare (Scientist), Sri Josyula (Scientist), Prof. Sri Nittala Someswara Rao (Andhra University) and, faculty and students of Adams Engineering College, Paloncha, combined and performed this experiment on the occasion of the athiraathram mahothkrushta somayaagam conducted in 2012 at Bhadrachalam, in the scientific auspices of Samatha Lokseva Samithi and Sacred Soma Vedhic Research Foundation. The scientific experiments revealed many amazing results. Primarily, scientific research was done with the collaboration of government hospitals, meteorology department, police department, water resources department, village irrigation department and Achaarya N.G. Ranga (Currently Prof. Jaisankar) Agricutrual University. Data regarding soil fertility, water, animals, air, normal delivery of pregnant women, accidents, rainfall was collected in areas adjacent to Bhadrachalam, and research was done during and for a year after the yagnam was conducted.
Results – Soil fertility improved, crops growing faster, ground water available at 50 feet from 150 feet. Water available from bores in plenty. Mineral content improvement at the site of yagna ash and its vicinity, number of cesarean operations reduced and normal deliveries increased. Abundant rainfall recorded in Khammam district and its neighboring areas apart from Bhadrachalam in 2012 (After 2012, Godavari river water content is almost always full). During the yagnam, there was massive rainfall (rain with good nutritional value) and lack of micro-organisms in the yagna premises (Bacteria count on the yagna ash was done and tests were conducted in the Kothagudem laboratory for a year by collecting samples every 15 days). All these results are also part of nature protection. Apart from these, a University of California professor Dr. Pritzstall (Dr. John Frederick Pritzstall) who is a scientist came to India with his team in 1975, visited Paanjaal village in Kerala where athiraathram somayaaga was done and its benefits were tested, evaluated and spread across the world in his book agni (Agni – Altar of Fire). He again visited Paanjaal village in Kerala in 2011 where athiraathram somayaaga was done was done after 35 years, and spread the message of Indian yagna greatness throughout the world. Also, in multiple places, research in vedhic science has resulted in amazing results.

To view the complete scientific report on the athiraathram mahaasomayaagam research results, please visit

19. Will scientific research be done in the current aapthoryaamam? Who will do it?
Currently, scientific research on changes in nature caused by apthoryaamam somayaagam and mahaasoura yagnams will be done like mentioned before, with the intention of (and with a lot of prestige) providing future generations with the good benefits of this vedhic science, by the organizations of Prajahitha Seva Samithi and I-Serve (Recognized by DSIR, Govt. of India as SIRO – Scientific and Industrial Research Organization).

20. What is the scientific basis for somayaagam yaagasaala? What are the 5 yaagasaalas?
Construction of the yaagasaala is based on the owner’s body measurements and is of 5 parts. The height of the owner with his hands raised above his head when he is standing provides the basis for constructing the yaagasaala. Like soldiers protecting the nation, the sacrifice done by the owner with his body itself spread as the yaagaasaala is the central theme here, owner himself is the yaagasaala being the meaning. The aahavaniyaagni will be square shaped based on these measurements.
Praacheenavamsam (2 parts) – This will be in the west. This is also referred to as paschimasaala (West place) (1). The last part will have the patnisaala (2) (wife’s place) (the owner couple will reside in this place from the beginning of the yaagam till completion). There will be fires in the front portion. Garvapathyaagni in the west, aahaneeyaagni in the east and dakshinaagni in the south. These are called as threthaagnis (three fires). These are to be worshiped by the owner for his entire lifespan. There are a lot of activities that are done in these three fires. Mahaavedhi (3 parts) – The spacious saala east of the praacheenasaala is the mahaavedhi. Sadhasyam (3), havirdhaanam (4) and syenachithi (5) are here. In the east and in the center of the mahaavedhi will be a yupasthambam. To this is tied the yaagapasuvu (goat). Sadhasyam – Each and every rithvik will have a say in the decision on place in the sadhasyam which is towards the west end of the mahaavedhi. In the east are every prasthaatha and adhvarya, rithiviks in the middle, owner in the south and those who do saamagaanam are in the west. The 33 sastra – sthothrams related to somayaagam are recited here. Havirdhaanam – Lies in between the syenachithi and sadhasyam. Somarasa is extracted here. Syenachithi – It is the form of a gardua (eagle) which is ready to take-of (fly). Syenachithi (garduchithi) is 7.5 times the size of the owner’s body measurements. All bricks are made to this scale. Fire needs to be made as 5 layers based on the owner’s knee height. People who are doing the yagnam for the first time need to assemble the chithi to knee height using 1000 bricks. Second timers using 2000 to the height of the navel and third timers and any time after that the chithi needs to be made using 3000 bricks to the height of the neck.
e.g. If the height till the knee is 20 inches, then every chithi would be 4 inches high. The yaagasaala built this way is the laboratory used for world protection. This laboratory would be located in the area called as the mahaavedhi, which is a smalambaaksha. Syenachithi, which is of the garuda shape is another specialty (of all life forms living on earth, the one animal that can fly to the largest height is the garuda (eagle) bird). Existence of this yaagasaala construction which reminds of great geographic knowledge, bricks or jyamitheeya processes is a great mystery even to today’s scientists.

21. Why should somayaagaas be protected?
Knowledge of yagnams collected over thousands of years by human wisdom (intelligence), and our Indian culture (way of life) are currently being made fun of by a lot of people in the name of common sense (people’s knowledge). These people do not know a lot of details related to our vedhaas. Enthusiasm to learn is low. Their rejection is based on a big conspiracy to hurt the culturally rich Indian-ness. Back in the day, raakshasaas (demons) used to oppose yagnams using bodily attacks. They then started to do yagnams themselves and obtained their results. Bali chakravarthi (king) is a prime example. He obtained the capacity of indhrasthaana (stature of Indhra). Now, yagnams are being opposed using the media of principle and propaganda. We should also feel that protection of yagnams is our responsibility. Research done by foreigners on our ways of life, traditions and vedha knowledge is currently our best hope. Ours is universal knowledge.

22. Who should we do yagna karma?
Our ancestors obtained moksha by performing karmakaanda after doing samupaarjana of this learning from their elders. In today’s time, we are facing a lot of difficulties as we have foregone our sanaathana knowledge and are following foreign culture. The fact that sanaathana dharma saampradhaaya (tradition) and vedhic culture is being followed even today is due to the jeevan mukthi (release from life-death cycle or re-birth) secret given to us by our vedhaas. To follow the lifestyle professed by vedhaas is extremely difficult but sins accumulated over all lifetimes can be absolved (papa kshama) and moksha can be easily obtained in one human life term by doing the samskaaraas. Bhagvadhgeetha has proclaimed this as the eeswara samarpana (submission to God) principle. This is dharma.

23. Where should somayaagas be done? Why is it being done in Gargeyapuram?
Somayaagas can be done in holy places, meditation places (places where maharishis have done meditation), agricultural land, forests and river banks. The current Gargeyapuram is an area where Garga maharishi has done meditation while on the way to Srisailam, is an agricultural land, has forest cover in nearby Aatmakur – Nandikotkur and is a region where the pious jeevanadhi Thungabhadhra flows. Whatever place in India we go to has many unique specialties associated with it.

24. Somayaagam is for whom?
To get rid of ill-health, everybody does not need to study medical sciences. Seeking a doctor who has studied it is sufficient. Even though soul (life) is not visible we believe in it and are struggling to sustain it. Yaagaas are similar. To protect life energy not visible to us, vedhaas profess that benefit of a yagnam done by a family man who follows dharma and is endowed with threthaagni will reach all humans and all life forms and thus rain-food-water-age-children-peace-prosperity-happiness-intelligence-knowledge required by living things will happen. Hence, doers, people who make the doers do things, people who instigate and people who see and enjoy, all have the same karma phalam (consequence of the karma). Similarly, in current circumstances, completion of dhevarunam (debt towards Gods) by doing yagnams and yaagaas is not possible for everyone. For that reason, to clear dhevarunam for all of us collectively, prajaahitha seva samithi has planned this monumental event of conducting these uthkrushta aapthoryaamasroutha mahaayaagas and mahaasoura smaartha mahaayaagas with the process of obtaining the yagnaphalam.

Special topics – When the lord of dhevaas, Indhra, lost to the asura Bali Chakravarthi, Lord Sri Maha Vishnu, who takes many avataars, himself came as Upendhra (Vaamana) and gave back the lordship to Indhra. Even in the extremely simple Chandi homaa (in Chandi chapter) done by us, the Goddess kills raakshasaas like Mahishaasura, Chanda, Munda, Sumbha and Nisumbha for the sake of Indhra. In mythology, whenever Indhra had to face defeat at the hands of asuraas, Sri Vigneswara, Sri Maha Vishnu, Saambasiva, Goddess Devi, Subrahmanya have all waged war with asuraas to maintain the lordship of Indhra. We should also do somayaagam, which is symbolic of Indhra, to protect nature from terrorism and calamities. Let this great event receive many good luck wishes.

Lokaa samasthaa sukino bhavanthu (Let peace pervade the whole world).
Brahmasri Kesaapragada Hariharanaatha Sarma (Yaaga Sankalpa Kartha)
Mobile: 9391025433, 9441202546
Endharo mahaanubhaavulu. Andhariki vandhanamulu (There are a lot of great people. Welcome to everyone).

Yaaga celebrations – The 5 parts of yaagasaala
5 Pathnisthala (Wife’s place), 4 praacheena sthala (gaarhapathyaagni, dakshinaagni, aahaavaneeaagni), 3 sadhasyam, 2 havirdhaanam, 1 syenachithi etc. Construction of this yaagasaala will be based on body measurements of the yajamaani (owner).

Sadhasaya: Brahmasri Aswadha Naaraayana Avadhaani
Sruthi Sankara Samskrutha Samsodhana Prathishtaanam, Mathur Agrahaaram, Sivamogga District, Karnataka
The main ganas of aapthoryaamam srouthayaagas are 4. Main rithviks are 17
Yajamana couple Brahmasri Krishnabatta Somayaaji, Srimathi Sarojamma
Rugvedhi, aasvalaayanasaakha, harithasa gothram Residence: Sivamogga city, Karnataka

Adhvaryu: Brahmasri Keseva Avadhaani Gaaru Mathuru Agrahaaram, Sivamogga Dist, Karnataka
Prathiprasthaatha: Brahmasri Kumaraswami Sastry
Neshta: Brahmasri Raamanaaraayana Avaadhaani
Unnetha: Brahmasri Viswanaatha Sarma

Brahma: Brahmasri Raaghavendhra Bhat Gaaru, Sivamogga, Karnataka
Braahmanaachchamsi: Brahmasri Maadhava Avadhaani
Aaagnedhra: Brahmasri Raamamurthy Srouthi
Potha: Brahmasri Kirana Avadhaani

Hotha: Brahmasri Saaketha Raama Avadhaani Gaari, Mathuru Agrahaaram, Sivamogga Dist, Karnataka
Mythraavarana: Brahmasri Bhaargava Raama Avadhaani
Achchaavaaka: Brahmasri Pradeepa Sarma
Graavasthutha: Brahmasri Anantheshta Rao

Udhgaatha: Brahmasri Sridhara Sarama Gaaru, Bidar, Karnataka
Prasthotha: Brahmasri Praveena Sarma
Prathihartha: Brahmasri Saaranga Sarma
Subrahmanyaa: Brahmasri Krishnamurthy Srouthi

Apthoryaama Somayaaga Schedule
8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m: Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Anujna Prardhanam, Sri Ganapathi pooja, Swasthi Punyaha vaachanam, Soma sankalpam, Udaka santhi, Soma pravaka varanam, Soma nivedanam, Ritwik varanam, Madhu parkam, Agni sthapanam, Ukha sambharanam, Vayavya Pasu Yagam, Pravargya Sambharanam, Nandi Sraddham, Soma Pariveshanam, Soma pujanam, Kushmanda homam, Deekshaneeya yagam, Yajamana kshurakarma, Apsu deeksha, Teertha snanam, Deeksha homam, Deeksha grahanam, Ukhapatre Agni prajwalanam, Vishnu kramanam, Aasandyam ukhyagni Sthapanam, Musteekaranam, Vrata grahanam.

8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m: Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Vratadoham, Soma Pujanam, Vishnu Kramanam, Vaatsapra upasthanam, Vrata panam, Veda swasthi.

8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m :Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Vratadoham, Soma Pujanam, Vishnu kramanam, Ukhyagni samindhanam, Vratapanam, Veda swasthi.

8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m: Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Vratadoham, Soma Pujanam, Vishnu kramanam, Vaatsapra upasthanam, Deva yajana gamanam, Agni Sthapanam, Gaarhapatya Chiti Karanam, Garhapatyachitou ukhyagni sthapanam, Nairruteestakopadhanam, Prayaneeyesti, Apthoryama mahavedi manam, Soma krayam, Aathithyesti, Syena chithi agnimanam, Hala karshanam, Chaturdasa oshadhi nivapanam, Oshadhee Prokshanam, Sikatha nivapanam, Vrata pradanam, Avaantara deeksha, Udaya pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Prathama Chitheestaka pranayanam, Swetaswa poojanam, Pratha chithi prastharam, Krushnaswa poojanam, Sayam pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Vrata pradanam.

8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m : Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Udaya pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Swetaswa poojanam, Dwiteeya chithi prastharam, Krushnaswa poojanam, Vrata pradanam, Sayam pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Vrata pradanam.

8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m : Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Udaya pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Swetaswa poojanam, Thruteeya chithi prastharam, Krushnaswa poojanam, Vrata pradanam, Sayam pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Vrata pradanam.

MONDAY 26-JANUARY-2015(Ratha Saptami)
8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m: Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Udaya pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Swetaswa poojanam, Chaturtha chithi prastharam, Krushnaswa poojanam, Vrata pradanam, Sayam pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Vrata pradanam.

8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m : Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Udaya pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Swetaswa poojanam, Panchami chithi prastha prarambham, Vrata pradanam, Sayam pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Vrata pradanam.  

7.00 a.m. to 3.30 a.m : Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana, Udaya praisham, Udaya pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Panchami chithi sesha Yaagnyaseni chithi prastharam, Krushnaswa poojanam, Chityabhimarshanam, Madhyanha pravargyam, Upasadam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Sanchita karma, Ajaaksheerena Satarudra dhaara, Chithi parishechanam, Manduka maarjanam, Saamopasthanam, Pravargyodwasanam, Vaiswa karmana homam, Agni pranayanam, Vaiswanaresti, Maarutha homam, Vasordharaa, Brahmoudanam, Vaajaprasaveeya homam, Yajamanaabhishekam, Raastrabruddhomam, Adhwaryu dakshina pradanam, Sadho- Havirdhana- Dhishnya nirmanam, Yajamana vrata pradanam, AGNEESHOMIYA YAGAM, Agni mathanam, Subrahmanya aahvanam, Vasatheevari grahanam, Devasuva yagam, Yajamana vrata pradanam, Savaneeyardham Idhmaa barhiraaharanam.

3.30 a.m. to 3.30 a.m : Graha paathrasadanam, Praatharanuvakam, Somabhishavam, Amshu adhabhya graha homam, Prathassavanam, Somabhishavam, Graha grahanam, Bahih pavamana sthuthi, Savaneeya yagam, Prathamaajya Sashtram, Prathamaajya Sthothram, Pra- Uga Sashtram, Dwiteeyajya Sthothram - Maitravaruna Sashtram, Thrutheeyajya Sthothram - Brahmanachchamsi Sashthram, Chaturthaajya Sthohtram - Achchavaka Sashthram, Prathassavana Samapthi.Maadhyandina Savanaarambham, Mahabhishavam, Rigveda Pavamana parayanam, Graha grahanam, Madhyandina pavamana sthothram, Dhadhi gharma yagam, Madhyandina purodasa yagam, Madhyandina savaneeya yaagam, Ritwik dakshina, Marutvatheeya Sashthram, Maahendra Sthothram, Nishkaivalya Sashthram, Prathama Ukthya Sthothram - Prathama Ukthya Sashthram, Dwiteeya Ukthya Sthothram - Dwiteeya Ukthya Sashthram, Thruteeya Ukthya Sthothram - Thruteeya Ukthya Sashthram, Madhyandina savana samapthi. Thruteeya Savanaarambham, Aditya graha yagam, Mahabhishavam, Aarbhava pavamana Sthothram, Thruteeya savaneeya yagam, Vaiswadeva Sashthram, Soumya charu yagam, Yagnaa yagneeya Sthothram, Aagni maarutha Sashthram, Ukthya paryaya Sthothram, Ukthya paryaya Sashthram, Ukthya paryaya yagam, Suryasthamaya kaale Shodasi Sthothram, Shodasi Sashthram, Shodasi graha yagam, Prathama raathri paryaya Sthothram, Prathama raathri paryaya Sashthram, Prathama raathri paryaya yagam, Dwitheeya raathri paryaya Sthothram, Dwitheeya raathri paryaya Sashthram, Dwitheeya raathri paryaya yagam, Thrutheeya raathri paryaya Sthothram, Thrutheeya raathri paryaya Sashthram, Prathama Thrutheeya raathri paryaya yagam, Aaswina purodasa nirvaapam.

4.00 a.m. : Aaswina Sthothram, Aaswina Sashthram, Aaswina yagam, Apthoryama Prathama Sthothram - Sashthram, Aagneeya yagam, Apthoryama Dwitheeya Sthothram - Sashthram, Aindra yagam, Apthoryama Thrutheeya Sthothram - Sashthram, Vaiswadeva yagam, Apthoryama Chaturtha Sthothram - Sashthram, Mahavishnu yagam.9.00 a.m. :Avabrudhartham theertha gamanam, Avabrudha yagam,Avabrudham, Udayaneeya ishti, Maitravaruni Aamikshaa yagam. 12.00 p.m. : SOUTRAMANI YAGAM, Avabrudham. 6.00 p.m. : AARUNA KETHUKA DEEKSHA GRAHANAM.

8.00 a.m. :Aaruna kethuka deeksha utsarjanam, Aaruna Kethuka Chayanarambham, Chayananga Aagnavaishnavesti.

8.00 a.m. : AARUNA KETHUKA CHAYANAM (With 1000 pots filled with 6 types of water on 5 Layers), Agni Pranayanam, Aaruna Kethuka yaagam, Maitravaruna Aaamiksha yagam, Vaishravana yagam, Completion of Mahaagnichayana Poorvaka Aapthoryamam.

Mahaasourayaagam Schedule
7.00 a.m : Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana.
8.00 a.m : Sri Maha Ganapathi pooja, Punyahavachanam, Prayaschittham, Dasavidha Snanas, Brahmakurcha vidhanam.
12.00 p.m : Prayaschitthanga Japa-Homa-Parayanas, Nandi Sradham.
3.00 p.m : Ritwik varanam, Raksha bandhanam, Madhuparkam, Panchagavyam, Yagasala Pravesham, Mandapanga Ganapathi pooja, Navagraha pooja, Thrisuthri karanam, Dhaarasechanam, Vaasthu pooja, Vaasthu homa, Vaasthu Paryagnikaranam.
6.00 p.m : Ankuraropanam.

6.00 a.m : Nadaswaram - Vedaparayana.,
7.00 a.m. : Jalayatra
10.00 a.m : Mantapa prathishta, Yaagasala Samskaram (Dwara pooja, Thorana pooja, Shodasa sthambha pooja, Dhwajarohanam, Bali haranam), Yogini - Vaasthu - Navagraha - Kshetrapalaka Mantapaavahana sahitha Sarvathobhadra manatape Sri Mahasoura Panchayathana Devatha Aavahana & Aaradhanas.
3.00 p.m : Kunda samskaram, Agni mathana, Agni Prathishta, Prathama Maha Soura Mantra parayana prarambham.
6.00 p.m : Sri Mahasoura Panchayathana Devatha Pradosha kaalarchana, Neerajana - Mantrapushpa - Parakastavadis.

5.30 a.m : Nadaswaram, Suprabhatham, Surya sthuthi, Santhi vachanam, Veda parayana.
7.30 a.m : Sri Maha ganapathi pooja, Punyaha vachanam, Gopooja, Aavahitha Yogini - Vaasthu - Navagraha - Kshetrapalaka Mantapa sahitha Sarvathobhadra manatapasthitha Sri Mahasoura Panchayathana Pradhana Devatha Archana, Mahasoura parayana (12times), Mahasoura Namaskaras, Nitya Anushthanams.
10.30 a.m : Mahasoura homa (12 times), Maharghya Pradanas.
4.00 p.m : Sri Mahasoura Panchayathananga Brahmanaspathi homa - Devi sooktha homa - Vishnu sooktha homa & Rigvediya, Yajurvediya, Samavediya Srirdhra Homas.
6.00 p.m : Visesha Homas (see Daily special program)
7.30 p.m : Sri Mahasoura Panchayathana Pradoshakaalrchana, Mantapa devatharchanas.
8.30 p.m : Neerajana - Mantrapushpa - Parakastavadis, Teertha Prasada vitharana.

5.00 a.m : Naada swaram, Veda Parayana.
7.00 a.m : Sri Maha ganapathi pooja, Punyaha vachanam, Gopooja, Aavahitha Yogini - Vaasthu-Navagraha-Kshetrapalaka Mantapa sahitha Sarvathobhadra manatapasthitha Sri Mahasoura Panchayathana Pradhana Devatha Archana, Mahasoura parayana (12times), Mahasoura Namaskaras, Nitya Anushthanams.
10.00 a.m : Sri Padmini - Usha sametha Sri Surya Narayana Swamy Santhi Kalyanam.
12.00 p.m : Maha Santhi homa, Vasordhara, Poornahuthi, Mahanivedana, Kalasodvasanam, Avabrudham, Mahadaasirvachanam, Panditha Satkaram.
1.30 p.m : Maha Prasada Vitharana.

Accommodation and Praasana (Breakfast, Lunch/Dinner) would be provided to all the RITUAL performing group and largely interested participants. Temporary pandals will be erected for the event, for the convenience of visitors to sit comfortably in the chairs provided and view the entire Yaga programme through the LED's being fixed to erected poles and fans on the roof; separate cooking, dining and cleaning pandals, sufficient number of toilets separately for Yaga Ritual performing wing, participants and for general public who visits to witness these MAHA YAGAS; better sound system, illumination, parking area, 24 hour emergency medical care, ambulance, fire rescue brigade, Police, drinking water facilities and other arrangements will be taken care with much attention by PRAJAHITHA SEVA SAMITHI and it's well wishers, supporters, other individuals, associations, groups, service providers and a large number of volunteer teams ; Spiritually charged atmosphere with over 16 hours a day of ceremonies for 13 consecutive days, spiritual discourses by scholars, VEDA PARAYANA and “ANNA PRASADA SAMAARADHANA” (FREE LUNCH) from 11.A.M. to 3.00 P.M on each day on all the 13 days, starting from 20th January, 2015 through 1st February, 2015 will make your mind free from all other thoughts and take you to an unknown heavenly pleasure.
APPEAL: We solicit your gracious presence, financial support, volunteer assistance and active participation of devotees from nuke & corner of the world to organize the event successfully.(Note: Vast amount of money is required to meet the immediate needs to meet the expenses., cost of materials etc., for the 13 day Event, Annasamaradhana for 12 days for all the devotees, travel, transport, conveyance, publicity, lodging and “Sambhavanas for the Vedic Priests, Paricharakas, Pachakas” and maintenance of “Security” at the venue etc. Funds are needed immediately as advance many a pre-operative arrangements have to be made right from now. Your generous Donations/ Contributions/Sponsorships will make this “EVER REMEMBERED EVENT” a grand success and give a big access to all, through Print & Electronic Media.)

By Brahmasri. Kesapragada hariharanadha Sarma (Yaaga Sankalpa Kartha)
Translated by Srikanth Tadepalli

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My new youtube channel

Sriraamajayam. Please note my youtube channel changed as